Thursday 8 August 2024

2343 Heidi Allen


Constituency : South Cambridgeshire 2015-19 ( Conservative ), 2019 ( Change UK then Independent), 2019

Heidi  joined  the  Liberal Democrats  in October 2019.

Heidi was  born  and  educated  in  Wakefield  before  taking a degree in  astrophysics at University College, London. She  pursued  a  business  career  with  positions  at  ExxonMobil  and  the  Royal  Mail as well  as  helping the  family  business selling motorcycle paints. She  became  a  Conservative  councillor in  St  Albans before  being  selected  for  Cambridgeshire  South in 2015. She  was  rebuffed  when  seeking  selection as  Mayor of  Cambridgeshire  and  Peterborough. 

In  2019 , she  resigned  from  the  Conservatives  over  their  Brexit  policy  and  joined  the  Independent  Group. When  it  registered  the  name Change UK  she  was  named  interim  leader. She  left  the  party in  June 2019  after  helping  local  Liberal  Democrats  in the  European  election. 

She  initially  intended to  stand  for  re-election but by  the  end  of  the  month but  decided  against  it. The  close  result  in  the  constituency  suggests  she  may have  scraped  in  if  she'd  stood.

In 2021 she  became  chairman of CHP Housing Association.

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