Thursday 29 August 2024

2407 Angus McDonald

Constituency : Inverness, Skye and  Ross-shire

In  a  result  delayed  by  techical  issues  with  the  counting, Angus  provided  the  icing  on  the  cake for  the  party  by  taking  the  new  seat  of  Inverness , Skye  and  Ross-shire. The  seat  incorporates  Charles  Kennedy's old  seat  and  the  SNP's  campaign  against  him  in  2015 was  still  a  sore  point  for  the  party.

Angus was  educated  privately and  opted  to  join  the  army  rather  than  go  to  university. He  served  in  the  Falklands  imeediately  after  the  war  and  in  Northern  Ireland. He  left  the  army  in 1983 for  a  business  careeer which  has  encompassed  stockbroking, publishing, renewable  energy, online  training  and  waste  managemet. He  previously  supported  the  Conservatives  when  Ruth  Davidson  was  the  leader  and  donated  £25,000  to  the  party. 

Angus  is  a  runner  who  has  promoted challenge  events  in  the  Highlands  and  supported  business start-ups  there. In  2014  he  was  made  an  OBE.

He  is  a  practising  Christian.

2406 Ben Maguire


Constituency : North Cornwall 2024-?

Ben  recaptured North  Cornwall  from  the  Tories  on  an  enormous swing.

Ben  is  a  Cornishman who  worked  as  a  researcher  and  caseworker  for  one  of  his  predecessors  Dan  Rodgerson  and  also  Ian  Swales.. He  also  did  research  placements  in  Hong  Kong  and  the  U.S.A. Following  2015  he  worked  as  a  solicitor.

Ben  swore  his  parliamentary  oath  in  Cornish  and  supports  Cornish  devolution.

He  is  gay.

2405 Calum Miller


Constituency : Bicester and Woodstock 2024-?

Calum  won  the  new seat of  Bicester  and  Woodstock.

Calum  studied  at  University College, Oxford  gaining  a  B.A. in P.P.E. and an MPhil in International Relations. He  was  a  research  asociate of  the  Global Economic Governance Programme at Oxford. He  was  a  senior  civil  servant  working  as  principal private  secretary to  Gus  O  Donnell  from  2009 to  2010 and  then  Nick  Clegg  from 2010 to 2012. In  2012  he  returned  to  OXFord  as  CEO  of  the  Blavatnik School Of  Government.

He  was  elected  to  Oxfordshire  County  Council in  2021.

Wednesday 28 August 2024

2404 Joshua Reynolds


Constituency : Maidenhead 2024-?

Joshua  took  Maidenhead  from  the  Tories, the  seat  vacated  by Theresa  May, at  the  second  attempt.

Joshua studied business  and  management at  Cardiff  Metropolitan University. He  started  work  as  a  supermarket  manager.

Joshua  has  been  a  councillor  since 2019.

He  is  only 25.

2403 Edward Morello


Constituency : West Dorset 2024-?

Edward  took  West  Dorset  from  the  Tories  with  a  comfortable  majority  at  the  second  attempt.

Edward  studied  International Relations  at  Aberystwyth.

Edward  works  in  renewable  energy  investment.

2402 Roz Savage


Constituency : South Cotswolds 2024-?

Roz took  the  new  seat  of  South  Cotswolds.

Roz  is  the  best  known  of  the  new  Liberal Democrat MPs  through  her  sporting  exploits. She was  born  in  Cheshire  and studied  law at  Oxford  where  she  took  up  rowing. She  spent  eleven  years  as  a  management  consultant  then in 2000  decided  on  a  drastic  change  in  lifestyle. She  became  a  Fellow  of  the  Royal Geographical  Society and  started  taking  on  extreme  rowing  challenges. She  was  the  first  woman  to  row  across  the  Atlantic, Pacific  and  Indian  oceans  and  holds   four  Guinness World  REcords. She  is  an  environmental  advocate  and  has  done  writing, presenting  and  lecturing. She  was  awarded  an  MBE  in 2013.

Tuesday 27 August 2024

2401 Helen Maguire


Constituency : Epsom and Ewell  2024-?

Helen took Epsom And Ewell  from  the  Tories.

Helen studied French and German at  university then  went  to  Sandhurst. She  was  a  captain in  the  Royal Military Police and  served  in  Iraq and Bosnia, She  later  became  a  fitnes  instructor  with  her  own  business and  then  a  fundraising consultant. In 2023 she  received  a  British Empire Medal.

2400 John Milne


Constituency : Horsham 2024-?

John took Horsham  from  the  Tories.

John  has  a  BA  in  English  Literature from Oxford. He  worked  as  a  creative  director  in  advertising.

He  has  been  a  councillor  since 2019.

2399 Lee Dillon


Constituency : Newbury 2024-?

Lee  recaptured Newbury from  the  the  second  attempt

Lee  is  a  senior  manager  for  a  social housing company. He  was  a  councillor  from  2007 to 2011  and  then  from 2015. He  was  Mayor  of Thatcham  from 2010-12  and  leader  of  West  Berkshire Council  from 2023 to 2024.

Lee  stood  for  Islwyn  in  2005  coming  third.

Monday 26 August 2024

2398 Vikki Slade


Constituency : Mid Dorset and North Poole 2024-?

Vikki  recaptured  Mid Dorset and North Poole from  the  Tories  at  the  fourth attempt  despite  the  lack  of  a  Reform  candidate  in  the  seat.

Vikki has  been  a  councillor  since  2011  and  has  been leader of Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole  twice

2397 Olly Glover


Constituency :  Didot  and  Wantage  2024-?

Olly  took  the new seat  of  Didcot  and  Wantage  in  Oxfordshire. He  was  served  an  eviction  notice  on  the  day  he  was  elected.

Olly  graduated  from  Oxford  with  a  B.A. in  History. He  was worked  in  operations  management  for  Network Rail  and  other  rail  companies.

In  2019 , Olly  stood  in  Tooting  coming  third.

Olly  is  gay.

2396 Will Forster


Constituency : Woking 2024-?

Will  took Woking  from  the  Tories  with  a  sizeable  majority  at  the  third  attempt.

Will  is  a  local  man, educated  at  Woking  College. He  has  been  a  councillor  since  2009. He  was  Mayor  of  Woking  in 2018-19.

Will  works  as  a  campaign  manager  for  the  party.

2395 Zoe Franklin


Constituency : Guildford 2024-?

Zoe recaptured  Guildford  from  the  Tories  at  the  third  attempt.

Zoe  obtained  a  Bachelor  of  Music  from the University  of  Surrey, then  a  Masters  in  Musicology  from the University  of  Southampton.

Zoe  was  a  councillor  from 2008 to 2015. She  is  a  charity  trustee. 

2394 Charles Maynard


Constituency : Witney 2024-?

Charles  took David  Cameron's  former  seat  of Witney  from  the  Tories.

Charles  studied  geography  at  Oxford. He  co-founded BDA Partners  an  investment advice company. 

Charles  was  co-chair  of  Witney Oxford Transport Group..

He has  been  a  councillor  since  2022.

Charles  has  personally  hosted  refugees from Syria  and  Ukraine.

Sunday 25 August 2024

2393 Freddie Van Mierlo


Constituency : Henley and Thame 2024-?

Freddie took  the  redrawn seat of Henley and Thame from the  Tories.

Freddie's  Dutch  father  was a physiotherapist  who  settled in Preston. Freddie  studied  geographical  science  at  the  University of Bristol and  he  has an M.A. in  European Union studies from Leiden University. He  works as  a  management  consultant.

Freddie  stood  for  Fylde  in  2015 and  2017 coming  fifth and  third  respectively. He  has been  a  councillor  since  2021.

2392 Monica Harding


Constituency : Esher and Walton 2024-?

Monica  took Esher  and  Walton  from  the  Tories at  the  second  attempt  after  an  amazing 28%  jump  in 2019.

Monica  is  a  management  consultant  working  in  Europe and Asia. She  has  been  director of communications for  the  British Council and  CEO  of  Refugess International, Japan

2391 Anna Sabine


Constituency : Frome and East Somerset 2024-?

Anna captured the new  seat  of  Frome and East Somerset.

Anna  graduated  in  politics  at  Oxford. She  has  worked  in  the  charity  sector, communications  consultancy  and  running  a  cafe  in  Bath.

2390 Cameron Thomas


Constituency : Tewkesbury 2024-?

Cameron  took  Twekesbury  from  the  Tories. 

Cameron  joined  the  RAF from  school. He  eventually  rose  to  the  rank  of  Commissioned  Officer. He  has  served  in  Iraq, Cyprus  and  Afghanistan  and  has  been  heavily  involved  in  comunications  and  training. In 2021 he  was  seconded  to East  Midlands  NHS to  co-ordnate  the  Covid-19 vaccine rollout.

Saturday 24 August 2024

2389 Alison Bennett


Constituency : Mid Sussex  2024-?

Alison took Mid Sussex  from  the  Tories with  a  comfortable  majority.

Alison graduated from  Cambridge with  a  degree in social and  political  sciences. She  worked  for  British Airways and  then  EON. 

She  was  inspired to  enter  politics  by  the  election  of  Donald  Trump in 2016. She  has  been  a  councillor  in Mid  Sussex  since 2019  and became  the  council's  deputy leader. Alison contested  Arundel and  South  Downs in  2019  regaining  second  place  for  the  party.

Saturday 17 August 2024

2388 David Chadwick


Constituency; Brecon, Radnor and Cwm Tawe 2024-?

David re-established  the  party's  foothold  in Wales  with  a  narrow  victory  over  the  Tories in  the  redrawn seat of Brecon and Radnor.

David has  had  a  somewhat  eventful  life  for  a  32 year old. He  joined  the  Army  Intelligence  Corps  at  19  but  had  to  withdraw  through  exhaustion. He  went  to  Holland  to  study  where  he  was  hit  by  a  car. In  2014 his  studies  took  him  to  Argentina  where  he  suffered  from  Guillane-Barre  Syndrome  which  left  him  completly  paralysed though  he  is  now  fully  recovered.

In 2019, he  stood  in  North  Dorset, restoring  the  party  to  second  place.

Friday 16 August 2024

2387 Al Pinkerton


Constituency : Surrey Heath  2024-?

Al  took  Surrey  Heath which  had  been  vacated  by  Michael Gove.

Al  was  born  in  Scotland where  he  graduated  with  a  degree  in  geography from St Andrews.University  He  managed  student  property  there  until 2005. In 2006  he  completed  his  PhD in  geopolitics at  Royal Holloway  University of London. Since  2009 he  has  been an associate  professor  there. He  was  an  accredited  observer  of  the  Falkland  Islands' sovereignty  referendum in  2013.

He  stood  in  Sureey  heath  in 2019  restoring  the  party  to  second  place. In 2023  they  took  control of  the  local  council, probably  convincing  Gove  it  was  time  to  retire.

Thursday 15 August 2024

2386 Sarah Gibson


Constituency : Chippenham 2024-?

Sarah  recaptured  Chippenham from the Tories. Ed  Davey  drove  a  JCB  tractor  round  a  field  during  her  campaign.

Sarah  is  another  architect  who  gained  a  postgraduate  diploma  from University College London. She  is  a  director  and  shareholder  of  the  architectural  firm LABOX. She  is  also  a  part-time  tutor  at  the  University of Bath.

She  has  been  a  councillor in Wiltshire  since 2017. and  served  as  mayor  of  Bradford-on-Avon.

2385 Gideon Amos


Constituency : Taunton  And  Wellington  2024-?

Gideon  easily took  the  redrawn  seat  of  Taunton and  Wellington  from  the  Tories. He  contested  the  previous  seat  of  Taunton  Dene  in  2017 and  2019  coming  second.

Gideon was  born m  Somerset and went to Wells Cathedral School. He  studied  architecture at Oxford  Polytechnic. He  qualified as  a  chartered  architect. He  worked in  the  private  sector then became  a director of Planning Aid for London in 1997. In 2000 he  became  chief  executive  of  the  Town and  Country  Planning  Association. He  sat  on  advisory  committeses  of  the  Department  for  Communities  and  Local Government. In  2010  he  became  a  commissioner  of  the  Infrastructure  Planning Commission. He  co-founded  the  planning  consultancy Amos  Ellis  Consulting in 2015. In 2009 he  was awarded  an  OBE.He  has  also  served  in  the  Territorial  Army.

He  serverd  on  Oxford  City  Council from 1990 to 1996

2384 James MacCleary


Constituency : Lewes 2024-?

James  easily  regained  Lewes  from  the  Tories' Maria  Caulfield.

James  was  educated  at  the  University  of  Kent  gaining  a  B.A. in  politics  and  international  relations. He  then got  an  MSc in Russian and East European studies  from  Oxford. James  has  worked  as  a  director  for  charities  and  as  a  communications  consultant. James  has  been  a  councillor  since 2007  with  a  break  between 2015 and 2019. He  is  the  Liberal  Democrat  group  leader  on  Lewes DC  and  has  alternated  two  spells  as  council  leader  with  the  Greens  under  a  co-operation  agreement.

Wednesday 14 August 2024

2383 Brian Mathew


Constituency : Melksham and Devizes  2024-?

Brian took  the  new  seat  of  Melksham  and  Devizes.

Brian's  slew  of  qualifications culminated  in  a  PhD  in Water and Sanitation from Cranfield  University  in 2005. He  worked  for  aid  organisations  including Water Aid in  Tanzania

In  the  last  three  elections, Brian stood  in  North  Wiltshire  coming  second  each  time.. He  has  ben  a  councillor since 2017.

2382 Caroline Voaden


Constituency : South Devon 2024-?

Caroline  won  the  revived  constituency  of  South Devon.

Caroline  was  born  in  Wantage  and  studied  French  and  Economics  at  Sheffield. She  became  a  journalist  working  for  Reuters  from  1991 to  2000 . Much  of  her  time  was  spent  in  the  Balkans  covering  the  Yugoslav  wars. She  moved  to  Devon  in 2007 and  set  up  a  modren  craft  business. She  also  served  in  an  organisational  capacity for  a  numer  of  charities. 

Caroline  joined  the  Liberal  Democrats  the  day  after  the  Brexit  referendum. In  2017  she  stood  in  South  West  Devon, coming  third.In 2019 , she  was  elected  one  of  the  last  MEPs, for  the  South  West  of  England. She  was  the  leader  of  the  LIberal  DEmocrat M.E.P's  group  from  2019 to 2020.

2381 Victoria Collins


Constituency : Harpenden and Berkhamstead 2024-?

Victoria  won  the  new  seat  of  Harpenden and  Berkamstead.

Victoria  is  of  Chinese  descent. She  studied  history  at  Durham University then got a masters degree  in international economic policy  in Paris. She  worked  on  economic  research for  THe  European Parliament and  as  an  independenty  consultant on sustainability.

She  stood  For  Poole  in 2019  coming  third.

2380 Danny Chambers


Constituency : Winchester 2024-?

Danny  regained  Winchester, lost  since  Mark  Oaten's indiscretions  cost  the  Liberal Democrats   the  seat  in 2010.

Danny  was  born  in  Plymouith. He  gained  an MSc  in  infectious  disease  control from  the  University  of  Liverpool in  2006  then  a  BVSc in  veterinary  medicine two  years  later. He is  an  elected  council member of  the  Royal College of  Veterinary  Surgeons. He  has  worked  all over  the  world  for  veterinary  charities.

In 2019  he  stood  for  North  Cornwall  maintaining  the  party's  second  place.

2379 Rachel Gilmour


Constituency : Tiverton and Minehead 2024-?

Rachel took  the  new  seat  of  Tiverton  and  Minehead.

Rachel was  educated  at  Cheltenham Ladies  College  and  KIng's  College, London. She  started  work  as  a teacher  and  then  English lecturer  before  moving  into  PR  and  communications  in  a  variety  of  settings. She  was  a  member  of  the  Board  of  the  NAtional Farmer's Union. She  was  also  Head  of  Strategy  at  the  Environment  Agency.

In  1997 as  Rachel  Oliver , she  stood in  Nottingham North  coming  third. In 2001, she  stood  in  Totnes  coming  second. In 2015, she  failed  to  hold  Taunton  Deane for  the  party.  She  has  sat  on  Mid Devon District Council.

2378 Adam Dance


Constituency : Yeovil 2024-?

Adam  recaptured  Yeovil  from the Tories.

Adam was  born and raised in Yeovil. He  runs  a  landscape  gardening  business.

Adam became  involved in politics  through  working with David  Laws  on  his  2010 election campaign. He  joined  SouthPeherton Parish Council  then  was  elected  to  South  Somerset  District  Council in 2015.

Adam  is  gay  and  suffers  from  ADHD.

Tuesday 13 August 2024

2377 Paul Kohler


Constituency : Wimbledon 2024-?

Paul  captured Wimbledon  from  the  Tories  at the  second  attempt  after  narrowly  losing  out  in  2019.

Paul  graduated  from  Cambridge  in  law. He  lectured  in  law  at  University  College, London and Oxford and  was  Head  of  Best  Practice  at  Nabarro LLP. He  subsequently  became  SOAS University  of  London's  School  of  Law. In  2006   he  published  Property  Law: Commentary  and  Materials In 2008  he  opened  the  Cellar  Door  speakeasy  club  in  London.   

In  2014  Paul  was  in  the  news  when  he  was  severely injured  by  a  group  of  burglars  who  raided  his  home..

He  has  been a Merton LBC  councillor  since 2018.

2376 Chris Coghlan


Constituency : Dorking  and  Horley 2024-?

Chris  won  the  new  seat  of  Dorking  and  Horley.

Chris was  born  near  Guildford. He  has  a  Masters  degree  in  Finance  from  LOndon  Business  School  and  a Masters  in  Public  Administration  from  Harvard. He  was  an  Army  reservist  called up  to  serve  in  Iraq  as  a  military advisor. He  worked  for  the  government  as  an  anti-terrorism  officer. 

In  2017 , he  stood  for  Battersea as  an independent  anti-Brexit  candidate.coming  fourth. Shortly  after he  helped  found  the  Renew  Party which  was   centrist  and  anti-Brexit . By  2021 , he  was  a  Liberal Democrat  and  won  a  seat  on Mole  Valley  District  Council. 

2375 Steffan Aquarone


Constituency : North Norfolk 2024-?

Steffan  recaptured North Norfolk from  the  Tories.

Steffan was  raised  in  Norfolk.He  studied Politics  and  International Relations at the University of Warwick, He  started  his  first  company Ephex  Media  while  a  student there. The  company  made  and  edited films for  corporate  brands.His  next  company Immense  Productions  produced  2014's  Tortoise  In  Love  through  crowdfunding. In  2011 , he  founded Droplet, a peer-to-peer  mobile  payments  company. He  has  also been  involved  in Econsultancy  and  Buto  and  does  motivational  speaking.

In 2017  Steffan was  elected  to  Norfolk County  Council and  became  deputy leader  of  the  Liberal Democrat  group. In  2019  he  stood  in  Mid  Norfolk  coming  third. He  was  leader  of  the  Ld  group  from 2020 to 2021.

2374 Susan Murray


Consituency : Mid Dunbartonshire 2024-?

Susan  avenged  Jo  Swinson  by  easily  defeating  the  SNP  in  the  re-drawn  seat  of  Mid Dunbartonshire.

Susan  is  a  local  businesswoman  and  charity  organiser and  a  councillor on  East  Dunbartonshire  Council since 2017.

2373 Charlotte Cane


Constituency : Ely and East Cambridgeshire 2024-?

Charlotte took  the  new  seat of  Ely and  East  Cambridgeshire  by  a  narrow  margin  over  the  Conservatives.

Charlotte  studied ancient history and archaeology at  Birmingham University  but  later  became  a  chartered  accountant  working  mainly  in  the  charity  sector.

Charlotte  first  stood  for  the  old  Liberal  party  in  1987 at  Birmingham  Selly  Oak in 1987  coming  third. She  sat  for  East  Cambridgeshire  District  Council  from  1999 to 2006 when  she  resigned  her  seat. She  returned  to  active  politics  in 2011  but  had  to  wait  until 2019  to  win  a  seat.  She  stood  for  Harlow  in 2019  coming  third.

2372 Claire Young

 Constituency : Thornbury & Yate 2024-?

Claire  regained  Thornbury  And  Yate  from  the  Tories  at  the  third  attempt.

Claire  obtained a degree in Maths from Cambridge, an Msc from Oxford and  a  Masters  by  Research  into  Global Economic Challenges  at  Bristol University She  has  been  leader  of  South  Gloucestershire  Council  but  will  now  step down.

2371 Mike Martin


Constituency : Tunbridge Wells 2024-?

Mike  took  Tunbridge  Wells  from  ther  Tories.

Mike  studied  biological sciences  at  Oxford  but  his  PhD is  in  war  studies  from  Kings  College ,London. His  military  career  began  in  2004. He  rose  to  the  rank  of  captain  and  served  in the  Intelligence Corps. He  served  extensively in  Afghaistan  and  was  commissioned  to  write  a  book about  it. He  resigned  from  the  army  in  2014 in  order  to preserve  the  independence  of  his  account.

2370 Alexandra Brewer


Constituency : North East Hampshire 2024-?

Alexandra  took  North  East  Hampshire  from  the  Tories  in  a  tight  contest.

Alex  runs  a  children's  charity  in  the  constituency  and  has  worked  all  over  the  world  in  the private  sector.

2369 Jess Brown-Fuller


Constituency : Chichester  2024-?

Jess took Chichester from  the  Tories on an enormous  swing, unseating  the  EDucation Secretary  Gillian Keegan.

Jess  was  born  in  Norfolk. She  has  a  Performing  Arts  degree  from  the  University  of  Chichester. She  was  elected  to  Chichester  District  Council in 2023.

She  is  married  with  two  children.

2368 Ian Roome


Constituency : North Devon 2024-?

Ian  regained  North  Devon  from  the  Tories.

Ian  joined  the  R.A.F. in 1986  and  served  in  the  U.K. and  Germany. After  leaving  the  R.A.F., he  worked  in  mental  health  nursing. He  served  on  Barnstaple  Town Council from 2003  and  was  Mayor  of  Barnstaple  twice. He  was  first  elected  to  North  Devon District Council in 2015 and  was  Leader  of  the  Council  up  to  his  election as MP.

2367 Clive Jones


Constituency : Wokingham 2024-?

Clive took Wokingham  from  the  Tories  at  the  third  attempt  having  stood  down  in  2019 to  allow  Philip Lee  a  crack  at  the  seat.

Clive  was  born  in  Gillingham. He  was  managing  director  for  a  toy  manufacturer  having  worked  in  the  same  firm  for  27  years. He  was  elected  to  Wokingham  Borough  Council in 2016 and was  leader  of  the council  for  a  year.

2366 Tom Morrison

 Constituency : Cheadle 2024-?

Tom  regained  Cheadle  easily at  the  second  attempt.

Biographical  detail  on  Tom  is  a  bit  sketchy  at  the  moment. To  judge  from  the  photo  he's  one  of  the  younger  MPs  and  appears  to  be  a  full  time  councillor.

Monday 12 August 2024

2365 Ian Sollom


Constituency : St Neots and Mid-Cambridgeshire 2024-?

Ian  won  the  new  seat of  St  Neots and Mid-Cambridgeshire defeating  Anthony Browne  for  the  Conservatives. The  two  men  had  contested  South  Cambridgeshire  in 2019.

Ian  was  born  in  Shropshire .He has  a  Master of  Physics  degree from Cambridge  and  a  PhD in  cosmology  from  Oxford. he  served  on  South  Cambridgeshire  District  Council from 2018 to 2022.

2364 Josh Babarinde


Constituency : Eastbourne 2024-?

Josh  easily  recaptured  Eastbourne  from  the  Tories. He  is  a  former  pupil of  Caroline  Ansdell, the  woman  he  unseated

Josh was  born  in  Eastbourne  and  studied  politics  and  government  at  the  L.S.E. After  graduating he  won  a  place  on  a  social  enterprise  fellowship. He  founded  Cracked  It , a  social  enterprise  using  young  offenders  to  repair  smart phones. It  won  Social  Enterprise  Of  The  Year  Awards  and  led  to his  appoiuntment  as Head of  Learning and  Innovation at  the  SChool for  Social  Entrepreneurs in  2020. In  the  same  year  he  was  awrded  an OBE.

In  2019 . he  stood  in  Bethnal Green and  Bow, doubling the Liberal Democrat vote  and  moving them from fourth  to  third  in  the  seat.. He  was  a  district  councillor between 2021 and  2023, stepping  down  to  concentrate on  his  parliamentary  campaign.

Josh  is  gay.

2363 Manuela Perteghella


Constituency : Stratford-on-Avon  2024-?

Manuella  took  Stratford-on-Avon from the Tories  on  an  enormous  swing. helped by  the  tax  dodging accusations  thrown  at  her  predecssor Nadim Zahawi and the  Tory  candidate  being  a  Red  Wall MP on  the  chicken  run.

Manuella  was  born  in  Italy but  obtained  her  BA in  English and  theatre  studies from  the  Universityof North London. From 2006  to  2012 she  was  a  senior  lecturer  at London Metropolitan University and  has  held  a  number  of  other  academic  roles. She  was  inspired  to  enter  politics  by  not  being  allowed  to  vote  in  the  Brexit  referendum.She  became  a  district  councillor in  2020.

Manuella  is  married  to  an  environmental  economist.

2362 Martin Wrigley


Constituency : Newton Abbot 2024-?

Martin  took Newton Abbot  from  the  Tories  having  wrested  back  second  place  from  Labour  in 2019.

Martin  is  an  engineer  from  a  naval  family. He  is  a  councillor  on  TEignbridge  District  Council.

2361 Pippa Heylings


Constituency : South Cambridgeshire 2024-?

Pippa  took  Heidi  Allen's  former  seat  for  the  Liberal  Democrats.

Pippa  was  born  in  Hull  but  went  to  university in  South  Africa  where she gained  a  Master's  degree in  environmental education.

She  has  been  a  member  of  South  Cambridgeshire  District  Council  since 2018.

2360 Luke Taylor


Constituency : Sutton and Cheam 2024-?

Luke  regained  Sutton  and  Cheam  from  the  Tories.

Luke  was  born  in LIncolnshire  and  has  a  Masters  degree  in  Aeronautical Engineering. He  has  been  a  councillor  on  Sutton  LBC  since 2022.

2359 Marie Goldman


Constituency : Chelmsford  2024-?

Marie  took  Chelmsford  from  the  Tories at  the  second  attempt  having  overtaken  Labour  to  second  place  in  2019. Chelmsford  was a  Liberal  target  seat  in the  70s and  80s  but  they  never  managed  to  unseat  Tory  wet  Norman St John Stevas.

Marie  runs  a  small  construction  business  with  her  husband. She  is  deputy  leader  of  Chelmsford  City  Council.

2358 Stephen Darling


Constituency : Torbay 2024-?

Steve  reclaimed  Torbay  from  the  Tories  with  a  huge  swing.

Stephen  is   originally  from  Brmingham . He is  registered  blind  due  to  Stargardt disease  and  uses  a  guuide  dog  Jennie. He  has  held  a  seat  on  Torbay  Council  since  1995  and  was  leader  of  the  council between 2019 and 2023.